Welcome! My name is Jessica, and I am a 30 year old Mother of one Six year old - and I am also the creator of The Only Child.
Jessica Galu |
I had always wanted lots of children, and to live out my life baking cupcakes, being happy, masterminding lots of domestic goddess projects, and having a stellar career – of cours
e. As the Gods would have it, I have one child and a whole lot of energy, time, and a little bit of money for that one child.
I didn’t seem to find any place where I could talk about some of the pros and cons of having one child – without annoying some of the Parents with two or more children. For example, when you have one child, special treats like amusement parks, nice restaurants, and stores with good quality merchandise are not necessarily out of reach.
With one child, you have more money exclusively for one. The time and energy that you do have for your kids, is used exclusively for one child. And the experience is just plain different to that of multi-child families. I have never had to settle a sibling dispute, or worry about making sure I have two or three of everything…
Another thing I am finding is that having one child can enable a family (whatever parental make-up) to give their child an experience usually sectioned off for wealthy families – who may have two, three, four or more children. Single-child Parents can devote vast amounts of resources to their ‘only child’ and their ‘only child’s’ passions.
I think this should be celebrated unashamedly!

TheOnlyChild.co.nz is a place where single child families can feel comfortable to share their stories, ideas, and issues. Tongue-in-cheek or foot-in-mouth, no experts, just Mums and Dads, and only children.