Thursday 23 February 2012

Let's go! The Only Child is the Dolphin Whisperer ...

Well, that's what we told her!

This was the weather 95% of the time over our summer holiday - yes,  a lot of grey.
So, you pack your bag, find the beach towels, get a new bottle of sunscreen, update your Facebook status to something like, "we're going on summer holiday - wish you were here!". You are set. A couple of weeks of lazy fun bliss awaits.

You arrive, and it rains - storm rain. The next day it rains, and the next. You get the pattern. You are confined to a Hotel Property with other confined individuals. Boats aren't going out, and if they are - they aren't going far. Happy Holidays!

Well, one day the Boats were happy to go out and traverse the rough waters. Where are we? We are in the Bay of Islands and the Only Child really wants to see Dolphins and Orcas. I had seen Dolphins before at Seaworld when I was about 12, but I remember being bored flat there. So, maybe it would be different seeing them as an adult? Anyway, we thought we'd take a chance on the open seas...

So magical - surreal
We boarded the Dolphin Discoveries boat (the yellow boat in the top picture) not knowing what to expect. The weather was bipolar - going from bursts of sun, to storm showers and high winds. I don't go sailing or boating very often, so it was wonderful to see the islands from a different perspective. The Only Child was more interested in the massive whitewash skid marks the boat was making in the water - but that fascination passed (thank goodness).

The Captain said he was doing his best to find Dolphins in the water, but visibility was very low today. While we were waiting for the Dolphin rendezvous, the Only Child was in awe of the numerous islands that we had never seen before - Okahu, Moturua, and Urupukapuka. 

Suddenly! The Captain announced he had found Dolphins, and we all scrambled to the bow of the boat to see. Unexpectedly, I was pushing a little to make sure the Only Child got to the front of the bow. And it was worth it! 

There is a magical feeling seeing Dolphins in their natural habitat - the Only Child and I were transfixed on them diving in and out of the water. The Dolphins would disappear from time to time, so the Only Child would lean over the boat and make dolphin noises. And sure enough, they would come back - right up close to the boat. This was even more magical for the Only Child - who knew she had special powers anyway, but to see them at work, amazing!

We also had the option of swimming with the dolphins - but we both declined. But those who did said it was an 'out of body' experience. So good for them!

A bright yellow boat has got to be fun!
The Captain couldn't find any Orcas the day we went out. So it leaves a good excuse to come back.

After our dolphin whispering, we stopped at Urupukapuka Island for a bite of lunch and a touch of walking. There is so much history wound up in these islands - that the trip on the boat can be touted as fun and educational.

We stayed out on the water for about four and a half hours before coming in. The Only Child was fine being on a boat for a long time though - there was an on board cafe, so no worries with us.

Next time you are in Northland, take a boat ride out to see the dolphins, outer islands, and possibly orcas - if you're lucky!

Back on land, we felt like we had experienced a magical maritime experience, that the rain and wind couldn't hamper. As the Captain said, dolphins don't care if it's raining.

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Tongue-in-cheek or foot-in-mouth! No experts, just Mums and Dads, and Only Children. So say something!